Book Review Orang-orang Proyek

Title                       : Orang-Orang Proyek
Author                   : Ahmad Tohari
Publisher               : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007
ISBN                     : 9792225811, 9789792225815
length                    : 220
Price                      : 31.000
                Orang-Orang Proyek,  a novel written by Ahmad Tohari, a famous writer from Banyumas tells about Kabul, a 30-year old architect becoming the project manager of the bridge of River Cibawor. In carrying on his duty, Kabul had to fight against his idealism. It was because he found that his project was full of corruption. The techniques of building he learned at college were ignored due to the interest of the rulers. Moreover, he had not only to face certain people, but also a group of rulers, i.e. the GLM (Gologan Lestari Menang) Party. He was forced to finish the project as on the time of GLM’s anniversary. On the other hand, he strongly realized that the materials used for the bridge had bad quality. Therefore, he was in the very complicated situation for he had two difficult choices: finishing the project with the ruler’s interest or giving up and resigning from his work.  In the end of the story, Kabul decided to resign from his work and stayed with his idealism.
                Not only Kabul pictured, but the poors are also described in some parts of the novel. They earn for living from the project. There are Mak sumeh, the owner of the shop close the project, Tante Ana, the shemale who entertains the workers, Basar, the head of village, and Dalkijo, a project manager makes it as his. He said that the project was owned by two names of an identity: government and GLM. In addition, there is Wati, the girl who married Kabul in the end of the story.
                 This novel was the second novel of Ahmad Tohari I have ever read and I totally recommend anyone to read this.  There are some reasons making this novel so interesting. The title is so unique. When I read the title for the first time, I wondered what the content was about. It had made me want to read more.Then, the illustration found in the cover: a tree with people on its branches looks so realistic. It plays an important role simply looking at the picture. I was suddenly attracted in catching out the whole novel. The next is the ideolect used in this novel. The author describes each character in detail. He also uses such local expressions as biyung, a local Banyumas expression to call a mother. Although it may be a bit difficult to understand, the novel characterizes the local wisdom of Banyumas.

I give the novel 5 stars as I feel that it is both entertaining and educating the readers. It clearly tells the social realities took place at the time. So, the readers can either refresh their mind or learn the history.  

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